Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 4 Q1

Week 4 Q1

Q For the required reading, "Virtual Teams: Technology and the Workplace of the Future," you were asked to think about how technology has changed since the article was written. Describe some of the changes you thought of and discuss how you could leverage those changes on your own team.

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When the article was written, the world had just started experiencing what technology is and what are the new insights it has brought into lives, but since then, so much has changed, and technology has proficiently progressed in a direction that has made it unstoppable and it uses endless. Technology and workplaces especially have intertwined very well and both have made use of the other to innovate and grow. The old ways of communicating at workplaces have been replaced by virtual collaborations and spreading messages, face-to-face training and development have got enhanced by virtual training, and facilities like Skype, video